Effective treatment of fungi between the toes of the feet

Athlete's foot is a disease that often affects the skin of the feet. You initially see fungus between the toes of the feet, and then spreads to other parts. As it looks similar to the disease, its symptoms, causes, as well as the specificity of treatment we will examine in more detail.

The athlete's foot

The causes of the fungus between the fingers

The skin of the legs suffer from fungal diseases. The causes of this status can be the following:

  • the reduction of protective mechanisms in the body because of the diseases borne infectious or inflammatory in nature;
  • poor blood supply of the lower extremities, resulting in the stagnant processes in the legs;
  • micro injuries of the skin in the area of the feet and between the fingers;
  • the intense sweating excessively or too dry the skin;
  • a lot of the use of an uncomfortable and narrow shoes.

Cause foot fungus may neglect hygiene, the presence of diaper rash. In addition, the infection is able to enter the body through micro-injuries in the skin during the visit to the swimming pool or in the sauna.

The symptoms, the types of

Interdigital athlete's foot has several stages of its development, each of which has specific effects.

The symptoms of the initial stage of the fungal infection:

  • the appearance of small cracks between the toes, in particular under the little finger, as well as in the feet;
  • mild peeling of the skin in the area of the formation of cracks.

In the initial phase of the mild symptoms, so that many do not give similar values and manifestations, as well to initiate an infection.

The next degree of development of the fungus between the fingers, is more symptomatic. In the skin appear red spots, peeling already pronounced. At this time can cause bubbles of education, with the clear liquid.

In the period of the second stage of development of the disease begin to form calluses appear, the skin becomes rough, it appear corns. At this time, the peeling of itching, and sometimes burning.

The athlete's foot stop

The penultimate stage of the fungus between the fingers is characterized by the worsening of the state of the affected skin. The cracks become deeper, it becomes erosion. Develops the fungus of rail. Along with these symptoms, other symptoms occur: inflammation and swelling of the affected by the fungus from the plots.

If it is running the way of evolution of the disease was observed symptoms such as:

  • the occurrence of bubbles between the fingers, below the little finger and on the feet;
  • the pain and itching;
  • the redness and irritation of the skin pronounced.

In addition, interdigital athlete's foot at the last stage you have any other symptoms. At this time, with eager fingers, cracking of the skin, burst purulent of the bubbles. The area between the toes is wet, affected by the nails of the scrub, peel, in the epidermis, receives the white attack.

The occurrence of any of the symptoms listed, you should alert the person and motivate to consult a specialist. Only the timely treatment gives the opportunity to get rid of the disease.

Types of fungi between the toes

An infection most frequently cause three types of bacteria – exerts the action antifungal, for yeast, fungi and mold. Each type of infection has its enabling environment for development. Mold is a fungus that can develop there where there's heat, increasing the humidity. Yeast fungi can affect the nail and skin.

Most often cause athlete's foot exerts the action antifungal. The fungus primarily affects the skin between the fingers starting from the thumb and the area below the little finger. This type of infection prefer the heat and humidity. It is in this environment develop the spores of the virus.

The fungus

Treatment in the home

Interdigital mycosis require long-term treatment. The therapy can be performed at home. The Principal, submit to confirm the diagnosis.

Therapy of fungus between toes treatment includes medicines, and remedies.

The treatment of drug

Treatment with anti-fungal drugs drugs for internal use, it is necessary to strengthen external medicines (creams, ointments, solutions).

Creams, ointments, lotions have a detrimental effect on the bacteria. The use of medications, reduces flaking, itching and ulcerative processes in the skin between the toes. With your help we can remove the fungus and prevent it to appear again.

The pharmacological treatment assigned by a dermatologist after a thorough examination. Personally, and without getting to an accurate diagnosis, take the medication is not recommended, as it can aggravate the condition of the patient.

Treatment in the home

Drug, the release of the disease can strengthen remedies. In this case, effective means are:

  • therapeutic tubs (salinas, soda, herbal);
  • a lotion with hydrogen peroxide, the vinegar;
  • the treatment of interdigital the field of iodine.

These methods will help you to get rid of the infection, eliminate the symptoms and relieve the condition of the patient.

Salt and soda baths

In 1 l of water (37-40 degrees) to take 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda or salt. Lower your legs in the sink, and take between 20 and 30 minutes. To steam the skin well try to Warm of the epidermis, peeling.

The procedure to make at least 1 time a day, preferably before bedtime.

Herbal baths

Chopped a mixture of dried herbs (chamomile, plantain, greater celandine) pour 1 liter of boiling water. Herbarium collection should take no less than 3 tablespoons of Float your feet in this infusion it is recommended that a minimum of 20 minutes.

After baking soda and herbs from the manipulation of the feet should be treated to the maximum by removing damaged particles of the epidermis. The skin of spread the hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

A lotion of vinegar

Dip a piece of cotton in the 9% of the solution, apply to affected areas. The feet of wrap with a plastic film, to support 3-5 minutes. After some time wash the skin with warm water.

Herbal baths

It is important that the handling of the ways and means of strengthening medicines. To do this, after each procedure of the affected area lubricant nonsteroidal anti-fungal ointments, creams, or process aerosol.

Judging by the experience and the comments of the readers, the therapy of the disease is much more effective than the use of antifungal substances separately.

How to cure fungus in the child

The appearance of a fungal infection, which the child can occur at any age. Why flaking of the skin, is able to determine a dermatologist. The fault may be the decrease of immunity, micro injuries in the skin of the feet, as well as stagnant processes in the lower extremities. To correctly identify the cause and assign an adequate therapy, the specialist must make a diagnosis.

During the initial phase of fungi between the toes of a child is sufficient treatment outside of low-cost ointments. That heal in more ways to run-when it blisters and bubbles with the liquid? Doctors recommend combining drugs anti-fungal and antibacterial medications.

The prevention of the

The infection is easily spread, and here is to get rid of it is very difficult. The prevention not only help to eliminate the disease, but also prevent relapse.

  1. Hygiene. Daily washing of the feet, the treatment of diaper rash, the fight against the sweating.
  2. Care in the common areas. The sauna and the swimming pools of the best to attend with a change of footwear. After the foot bath, it is recommended to treat anti-fungal spray or peroxide.
  3. Use comfortable shoes, the removal of corns and calluses.
  4. An active lifestyle, that will help you maintain a good blood circulation in the lower extremities.

If in the family there is an infected person, all footwear should be disinfected. Not you can use general toiletry items. After the shower, legs better manage ointments or sprays, that will help to decontaminate the skin.

When the symptoms of the fungus between the fingers, it is important to immediately contact a professional for help, and in the short-term treatment can begin. Detected in time, the disease is easier to cure that runs the form.